Friday, October 31, 2008

Our 1st Halloween in our new home!!

We had a great Halloween! We stayed home and carved pumpkins, made cookies, and handed out candy to trick or treaters! Our neighborhood doesn't have as many kids as I thought so we bought way too much candy! Jaxton and Presley also came trick or treating and we had a special "treat" for them! Matt did a great job lighting up our house with orange and purple lights and I decorated the front porch and a little bit inside. We spent the rest of the night watching Ghost Hunters!! I am looking forward to decorating for Christmas now! I hope everyone else had a great Halloween!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

☠Family Halloween Party!!!☠

Last night the crazy Pratt's......and the Ramone' together to have a Halloween costume party!! Matt and I have dressed up every year since we started dating but I finally convinced everyone else to get in the spirit and dress up. My mom made some wicked clam chowder and of course she had the house decked! Jaxton and Presley always have a blast playing together at grandma's house. We spent the rest of the night playing an intense game of "Spooky Bunco"! Matt blew everyone away with a win of 5 buncos (beginners luck), I got the most losses (go figure), Amber won most wins, Andrea won evens, and my mom won travel! Everyone loved playing bunco and I think we have began a new family tradition!

☠50's Bowler and Diner Girl☠
☠Aphrodite,Greek Emperor, and a Witch☠
☠Rocker, Witch, and Vampire☠
☠Pilot and Stewardess☠
☠Witch and Vampire☠
☠Greek Emporer (aka God) and the Rocker (aka Satan)☠
☠Aphrodite and Diner Girl☠
☠Spooky Bunco Time☠

☠Matt and I being dorks (as always)☠

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

☠Pumpkin Carving!!!☠

Tonight the whole family (Brad, Kaye, Nick, Andrea, Preston, Amber, Hillary, Matt, Jaxton, and Presley) had dinner at my parents and then we put our best effort into carving some pumpkins. Our family hasn't carved pumpkins in years and we thought it would be fun to do it again with Jaxton and Presley! Nick and Andrea carved a "P" for Presley and Preston and Amber carved a vampire because that is what Jaxton is dressing up as for Halloween. Matt and I are carving our pumpkins another night but we had fun hanging out and helping them with theirs.

☠Presley and Jaxton love their Aunt Hillary :)☠
☠Us hanging out in the garage watching everyone get grossed out by gutting pumpkins!!☠
☠Matt and Jaxton making their best "scary face", who do you think is the scariest?☠
☠Andrea and I never miss an opportunity to get a picture together ;)☠

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Brandie's Baby Shower!!

Today was Brandie Gochis's baby shower!! Brandie is married to my sister in law Andrea's cousin Tally and she is in our bunco group. She is such a cute girl and I bet baby Jaelon is going to be very handsome!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Good Things Utah!!

Today My Mom, Andrea, and I went to the Good Things Utah show!! Johnson and Johnson were on the show today to announce the new contest on KBULL 93! They are giving away 10 trips to the CMA's! If you want more info about it go to! We went as the KBULL groupies! It was really fun! If you check out the end of the video you can see us three girls really quick! My favorite girl on the show, Reagan, wasn't there today though so here's a picture from the last time we all went to the show when all 4 hosts were there!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Which Twilight Character Are You?

I'm a Alice! I found out through Which Twilight Female Are You? Take the quiz and find out!
Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!

Apparently I'm an Alice!! Lol I guess its because I love to plan parties! Alice rocks! Although I wish I could see the future like she can!

Man Tagged!!

What's your husbands name? Matthew Ramone, He would kill me if I told everyone his middle name!
How long have you guys been married? 5 months and 12 days
How long did you date? 3 years
How old is he? 27
Who eats more sweets? Definitely Matt!
Who said I Love You first? Matt did!
Who is taller? Lol he is!
Who is the better singer? We are both pretty bad but Matt is probably a little bit better than me!
Who is smarter? Lol um we're both smart in different ways
Who does the laundry? We split it 50/50
Who pays the bills? Well I make sure they get paid but we split the cost
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Matt does, he won't sleep next to the door.
Who mows the lawn? Lol well we don't have a lawn yet but when we do Matt will mow it!
Who cooks dinner? I do!
Who drives? Matt always does!
Who is the first to say they are wrong? HAHA um.......That's a tough one!
Who kissed who first? He kissed me first while he was buckling my seat belt through the car window! It was kind of awkward! LOL!
Who asked who out first? He asked me out first! He asked me to come into the radio station and then to Rodizio Grill, I think he was trying to show off!
Who wears the pants? Matt does! I can't even kill a spider! HAHA!!

I love you honey!!

I tag Kelli, Anngie, and Mekenzi!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Reba & Kelly Concert

Last night Matt and I went to the Reba and Kelly concert at the Energy Solutions Arena. It was a pretty good concert! Matt had seen Reba in concert a few times and met her at one of the concerts. I had seen her at the Stadium Of Fire awhile back but neither of us had seen Kelly Clarkson before. The best entertainment though was before the concert at the KBULL 93 tent. They have some crazy fans and there was a huge crowd screaming and jumping up and down! At every concert Johnson and Johnson or Pat Garrett do contests for back stage passes and front row tickets and it usually turns into a mad house! It was freezing outside and i'm surprised everyone stuck around until the concert started. Melissa, the woman who plays Barbara Jean on the Reba tv show, opened up with a stand up comedy bit that was pretty funny. It was a fun date night with Matt.

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Official Twilight Trailer!!!

Twilight HD Exclusive Trailer

Holy smokes I can't wait for this movie!! Andrea and I have watched this atleast 20 times already and it just barely premiered last night!! Matt thinks I am crazy! He started the H.A.Ters club, Husbands Against Twilight, and Nick is his only club member so far. I read all 4 books in a week and a half and I have begun reading them for the second time. I can't get enough and Andrea and I will for sure be the first ones in line at the midnight premiere on November 21st with our Team Edward shirts on!! HAHA!!!

Friday, October 3, 2008

The Forsberg Family Sealing

Today we had the great privledge of attending the sealing of the beautiful Forsberg family. My cousin Kristi, her husband Brian, and their children, Savannah, Nick, and Tate were sealed in the Logan Temple. I have never seen anything so incredible as a whole family being sealed together. Thankfully someone was smart and passed out tissues to everyone in the room before it started. It was beautiful and everyone welled up with tears of joy. I have never seen a family so happy. I was so grateful Matt and I were able to attend along with My parents and My brother Nick and his wife Andrea. Nothing is more precious than an eternal family. They had many friends and family there supporting them and they are very loved. Outside the Temple we spent about an hour taking family pictures which is always a fun ordeal with that many people involved but I am always grateful for family pictures. Pictures to me are very important. (If I had to evacuate my home in a hurry I would just grab all the pictures I could and my Laptop that has all of our pictures saved on it.)

Afterward they held a luncheon at the Copper Mill Restaurant. The food was delicious and I love spending time with my family. Even though we all live so close we are not able to see eachother as much as we would like. My uncle Budd, Kristi's father, is so fun to catch up with because he always has great stories to tell.

The drive home was pretty interesting. Matt had only slept a total of 2 hours last night because he had to go to work at his normal time this morning, 3:00 AM, and he stayed up late last night watching the vice presidential debates that he had recorded. Well needless to say he was too tired to drive home so he pulled over and we switched spots. About 10 mins after I started driving Matt was out like a light in the passenger seat. All of a sudden he jumped up scared and trying to reach for the wheel in front of him which of course wasn't there and he tried to press on the break which wasn't there either. He thought he had fallen asleep while driving! Poor guy! His heart was racing!

Well despite Matt's scare on the way home, it was a great day!